Professional Women in Berlin – Picnic Event in July

Hallo all Reader -

Join our next event on Saturday, July 20, 2024 @ 1 pm 2024. 🥳

Meet other female professionals in Berlin, have nice conversations, and enjoy a picnic together in an intimate setting. Attendance is free and you can also bring friends. The idea is to keep the event to about 15-20 people. ❤️

We invite everyone to bring food to share, so we have a sort of buffet happening. Of course, bring drinks, blankets, and/or any outdoor games like frisbee, badminton, etc.

We'll aim for a backup location, should the weather not be so great.

Once you complete the form, I’ll send you a calendar invite with the location details.

To help grow and support this small sub-community of The Berlin Life, encourage your friends to join this mailing list.

Hope to see you there.

Founder - The Berlin Life

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